FCC bottoms conversion additive

FCC bottoms conversion additive

FCC bottoms conversion additive

Conversion of the heaviest feed hydrocarbons is critical to maximize FCCU profitability. The main object is max gasoline yield. Our additive is designed to deliver deep bottoms cracking with excellent gas and coke selectivity.

The superior bottoms destruction and catalytic stability of Our additives is obtained from its open particle morphology. It is well known that mesoporosity is the key to bottoms conversion. Our additives offers more pore volume in the critical range than competitive offerings. The design of Our additive maximizes the balance of pores in the 100-600 Å range with an optimized ratio of weak to strong acid sites in the matrix. Balanced mesoporosity and optimized acid strength greatly improve the selectivity of bottoms cracking reactions that take place without the gas and coke penalty often observed with other high matrix catalysts.

How it works

Our FCC additive optimize the three-step bottoms cracking mechanism, with the right balance between zeolite and matrix activity, or Z/M ratio.Our additive can be formulated over a range of Z/M ratios to match your FCC operating objectives.

